
31 July 2015 - Room

I was dressing up for work when Maxine came in the bedroom eating crackers and cheese.

Mum: Aay. What did Papa say? Do not eat in the room right?
Maxine: But every single room is a room.  Like living room, bathroom, dining room...

She said this with a confused expression, a pretend confused look.

Mum: Pilosopo. BED-room. Do not eat in the BEDroom.


27 July 2015 - 111

I was busy preparing my stuff for work in the morning (before 7 am), when Maxine came in the dining area she picked up a piece of paper on the table and showed to me and her dad. It has her sister's name typed on it.

Maxine: When you see this person call 111 (emergency number in NZ)

Where does she get these ideas early in the morning?


25 July 2015 - Let's Go

We are putting on our shoes to walk to the nearest playground. Maxine was in a hurry, but Loui was taking a long time putting on her shoes while wriggling her hips.

Mum: Do you want to wee?
Maxine: just go to the dog's place or the grass or the cats's place

She was saying it with hand gestures and her facial expression was so irritated, she just want to go

Loui: No, I don't want to wee
Maxine: Then let's go!


06 June 2015 - Winnie the Pooh

Maxine came in the room while I am fixing the bed in the morning. Then she pointed to her small stuffed toy on top of the pillows

Maxine: Who put Winnie the Pooh there? 
Mum: Me.
Maxine: Why did you put it there?
Mum: Because it's so cute
Maxine: But he's afraid of heights!


22 May 2015 - Pantry

Maxine: Mommy I want rice crackers
Mum: Okay get it from the pantry
Maxine: Why is it called a "pan-tree", its not a tree! Duh!


04 March 2015 - Chill

I heard Loui my oldest daughter saying "go away" to Maxine and then closed the door of her room. Then Maxine came in my room with a sad face

Maxine: Mum ate don't want to chill with me
Mum: What did you say?

I am not sure if I heard it right.

Maxine: Ate don't want me to chill with her
Mum: What do you mean by chill?
Maxine: Stay with her

Hmmm Maxine using cool lingo. 

By the way, her sister asked her to go away because she was jumping on top of her while she's lying down on her bed


14 March 2015 - Soft

I was cuddling Maxine

Mum: Why are you so soft?

Kiss kiss and hug more tightly

Maxine: because i have marshmallows inside


01 March 2015 - Raincoat

Maxine: Why ate have a new raincoat?
Mum: because her old one does not fit her anymore

She took her sister's old raincoat and checked it out

Maxine: Maybe I could use this one.
Mum: You already have a pink one remember?
Maxine: I have an idea, we can use it for cutting hair 

she means put it on the shoulder while cutting hair, so the hair wont go to your shirt

Mum: Wow how did you think about that?
Maxine: I used my miiiiind.

Then she smiled mischievously as usual.


23 February 2015 - Be a boy

Mum: Maxine brush your hair it's so gulo (tagalog for messy)

Maxine smiles mischievously in agreement and put on a ball cap facing backwards.

Maxine: I want it to be messy because I want to be a boy
Mum: Why?
Maxine: because I don't want to have a bloody pepe (she means period)

22 January 2015 - Keep forever

Maxine: I will keep you forever. You want to keep me forever too?
Mum: yes I will. Why you want to keep me forever?
Maxine: because you have the wobbliest jelly in the whole world!
Mum: What if my tummy becomes smaller, do you still want to keep me?
Maxine: Yes, because I also like flat people

09 February 2015 - Healthy

I caught Maxine sifting through the trail mix and getting just the chocolate pieces. She was holding about 20 small pieces in her hand.

Mum: Maxine that's too much chocolate in your hand, eat the other stuff too
Maxine: I love chocolate only
Mum: Put back some of it
Maxine: Okay. Do you know that chocolate is healthy?

I did not ask who told her that. I know it is healthy in moderation, but she just wants to defend her case.


07 February 2015 - Who do you want to be?

Mum: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Maxine: A nurse.
Mum: Why a nurse
Maxine: Remember in my portfolio in lighthouse (her kindie)?
Mum: So you don't want to be a doctor or working in a computer like mum or in sKids like papa?
Maxine: Yes.
Mum: So who do you want to be when you grow up?
Maxine: I want to be everything!

Okay maybe I was asking too many questions


05 February 2015 - I love you

Early in the morning...

Loui: Good morning Maxine
Maxine: Good morning. I want a hug

They hugged for a few minutes. Of course Maxine not letting go.

Loui: Can we stop now?
Maxine: I love you forever!
Loui: I love you too.
Maxine: Forever?
Loui: Not forever. Just joking.

I joined in the touching moment...

Mum: I love you two girls forever. Even though you'll be old and wrinkly
Maxine: And rusty...
Loui: Those are for metals Maxine.


28 January 2015 - Wobbily Jelly

Maxine: I like your wobbily jelly (my tummy)
Mum: Why?
Maxine: Because it's chubby and it's liney.  It's the best wobbily jelly in the whole world.

I am not sure if I should be happy or not.

27 January 2015 - Smaller

Maxine:  Your wobbily jelly (my tummy) is getting smaller now

Her expression was sad and disappointed

Mum: Because I am exercising.  I go to the gym so it will be smaller
Maxine: Nooo! I like your wobbily jelly

She was so against with what I am doing. I just want to be fit. Hmph!

25 January 2015 - Cookie

I decided to walk to half Moon Bay Marina to buy some stuff in Fresh Choice.

Maxine: I want to go with you
Mum: I will not carry you if you get tired okay?
Maxine: Okay! (so determined)
Mum: Okay let's go!

Maxine went to the fridge to get a cookie before we left.  

While walking...

Mum: Are you tired?
Maxine: No. Because I have energy from my cookie. Do you want mommy so you will have energy?

So that's why she got a cookie before we left :)

06 January 2015 - Nose picking

Mum: Where did you go?
Maxine: I went out to pick my nose and eat it
Mum: Yuck! Why do you want to eat your kulangot (tagalog for booger)
Maxine: Because I want to and it's so yummy

05 January 2015 - Gigil

Maxine was hugging and sniffing me. Gigil to the max.

Maxine:  I am like tita Rowie :)

04 January 2015 - Poo 2

In the toilet

Maxine: I'm finish!
Mum: Did all the poo go out?
Maxine: Yes and it's BIG! 

With her big expression and hand gesture

23 December 2014 - New Toy

Maxine woke me up early in the morning

Maxine: Mommy, can I open the new toy?
Mum: Yes
Maxine: Oh goody! goody!

01 November 2014 - Chair

We are about to eat dinner when I saw Maxine looking at one of the dining chair

Maxine:  Why do chairs have legs?  Are they people?

01 October 2014 - Watch

We were lying on the bed looking upwards

Maxine: Let's watch a movie up there
Mum: Up where?
Maxine: There in our dreamsss

She said that with her blissful facial expression

01 September 2014 - Leaves

Maxine was pointing at the baby spinach that I placed on the dining table

Maxine: Mommy do you eat leaves?
Mum: Yes. Why?
Maxine: Why do you eat leaves? It's for dinosaurs not for people!

01 August 2014 - Jesus

Maxine was looking at a cross hanging on the wall of my brother's house

Maxine: Wawa Jesus
Mum: Wawa Jesus
Maxine: Hey stop making fun or else Jesus will palo you!

I was just confirming that it was sad seeing Jesus nailed on the cross. I was not copying her for fun.

20 July 2014 - I am making

Maxine was hugging my leg

Maxine: I am making you love and happy

After a while she was making mess

Maxine: Now I am making you angry

10 July 2014 - Papa

Maxine went to our room early in the morning

Maxine: Family hug!

Hugs me and Papa.  Then ate Loui comes in to join

Maxine: Peew! Baho bum bum Papa.  Papa farted again!

Maxine kisses Papa...

Maxine: Baho  breath si Papa

08 July 2014 - Blah

Maxine keeps on asking her sister a lot of questions while Loui was watching the movie Frozen

Loui: Just stop asking questions
Maxine: Just stop asking questions (copying her sister) Blah Blah Blah the end
Loui: Just be quiet!

I guess she really does knows how to copy her sister

07 July 2014 - Party

Maxine does not want to listen to ate Loui after they had a disagreement

Maxine: You're never ever going to my party in the zoo
Mum: What party?
Loui: Just her pretend party

Oh okay, I thought I promised her a party that I forgot about.

06 July 2014 - I don't like

I overheard Loui (her older sister 8 years old) and Maxine talking.

Loui: I don't like flies, they are pests
Maxine: I don't like crocodiles, they are big!

06 July 2014 - Baby

Maxine: I have a baby in my tummy
Mum: Ha? Why do you think you have a baby?
Maxine: Because my tummy is big!

04 July 2014 - Cold

July is in the middle of winter in New Zealand.

Mum:  I'm cold
Maxine: I'm not!
Mum: I am
Maxine: I will hug you so you will be warm

Uhhh!  So touched.

01 April 2014 - Hmmm

Maxine: I dont like you!

She just said it out loud with a semi angry face.  So I replied with a sad face...

Mum: Why?
Maxine: Just kidding! (her face lit up instantly)

Oh Maxine :)

01 March 2014 - Poo

Maxine asked me to help her climb up onto the toilet. After a few minutes...

Mum: Maxine are you done?
Maxine: Not yet. Mommy can you hold me?
Mum: Why?
Maxine: Because I'm gonna poo very hard! (saying it with a puffed up red face)

01 February 2014 - Garden gloves

I was in the garden removing weeds, so my hands were really dirty.

Maxine: Why is your hands dirty? ...I will buy you gloves mummy.
Mum: You will buy me gloves from the store?
Maxine: Yes!
Mum: Where will you get the money?
Maxine: When I grow up I will give you money
Mum: Where will you get the money when you grow up?
Maxine: In my pocket!
Mum: How will the money get into your pocket?


Maxine: I won't buy you gloves :(