
23 February 2015 - Be a boy

Mum: Maxine brush your hair it's so gulo (tagalog for messy)

Maxine smiles mischievously in agreement and put on a ball cap facing backwards.

Maxine: I want it to be messy because I want to be a boy
Mum: Why?
Maxine: because I don't want to have a bloody pepe (she means period)

22 January 2015 - Keep forever

Maxine: I will keep you forever. You want to keep me forever too?
Mum: yes I will. Why you want to keep me forever?
Maxine: because you have the wobbliest jelly in the whole world!
Mum: What if my tummy becomes smaller, do you still want to keep me?
Maxine: Yes, because I also like flat people

09 February 2015 - Healthy

I caught Maxine sifting through the trail mix and getting just the chocolate pieces. She was holding about 20 small pieces in her hand.

Mum: Maxine that's too much chocolate in your hand, eat the other stuff too
Maxine: I love chocolate only
Mum: Put back some of it
Maxine: Okay. Do you know that chocolate is healthy?

I did not ask who told her that. I know it is healthy in moderation, but she just wants to defend her case.


07 February 2015 - Who do you want to be?

Mum: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Maxine: A nurse.
Mum: Why a nurse
Maxine: Remember in my portfolio in lighthouse (her kindie)?
Mum: So you don't want to be a doctor or working in a computer like mum or in sKids like papa?
Maxine: Yes.
Mum: So who do you want to be when you grow up?
Maxine: I want to be everything!

Okay maybe I was asking too many questions


05 February 2015 - I love you

Early in the morning...

Loui: Good morning Maxine
Maxine: Good morning. I want a hug

They hugged for a few minutes. Of course Maxine not letting go.

Loui: Can we stop now?
Maxine: I love you forever!
Loui: I love you too.
Maxine: Forever?
Loui: Not forever. Just joking.

I joined in the touching moment...

Mum: I love you two girls forever. Even though you'll be old and wrinkly
Maxine: And rusty...
Loui: Those are for metals Maxine.


28 January 2015 - Wobbily Jelly

Maxine: I like your wobbily jelly (my tummy)
Mum: Why?
Maxine: Because it's chubby and it's liney.  It's the best wobbily jelly in the whole world.

I am not sure if I should be happy or not.

27 January 2015 - Smaller

Maxine:  Your wobbily jelly (my tummy) is getting smaller now

Her expression was sad and disappointed

Mum: Because I am exercising.  I go to the gym so it will be smaller
Maxine: Nooo! I like your wobbily jelly

She was so against with what I am doing. I just want to be fit. Hmph!

25 January 2015 - Cookie

I decided to walk to half Moon Bay Marina to buy some stuff in Fresh Choice.

Maxine: I want to go with you
Mum: I will not carry you if you get tired okay?
Maxine: Okay! (so determined)
Mum: Okay let's go!

Maxine went to the fridge to get a cookie before we left.  

While walking...

Mum: Are you tired?
Maxine: No. Because I have energy from my cookie. Do you want mommy so you will have energy?

So that's why she got a cookie before we left :)

06 January 2015 - Nose picking

Mum: Where did you go?
Maxine: I went out to pick my nose and eat it
Mum: Yuck! Why do you want to eat your kulangot (tagalog for booger)
Maxine: Because I want to and it's so yummy

05 January 2015 - Gigil

Maxine was hugging and sniffing me. Gigil to the max.

Maxine:  I am like tita Rowie :)

04 January 2015 - Poo 2

In the toilet

Maxine: I'm finish!
Mum: Did all the poo go out?
Maxine: Yes and it's BIG! 

With her big expression and hand gesture

23 December 2014 - New Toy

Maxine woke me up early in the morning

Maxine: Mommy, can I open the new toy?
Mum: Yes
Maxine: Oh goody! goody!

01 November 2014 - Chair

We are about to eat dinner when I saw Maxine looking at one of the dining chair

Maxine:  Why do chairs have legs?  Are they people?

01 October 2014 - Watch

We were lying on the bed looking upwards

Maxine: Let's watch a movie up there
Mum: Up where?
Maxine: There in our dreamsss

She said that with her blissful facial expression

01 September 2014 - Leaves

Maxine was pointing at the baby spinach that I placed on the dining table

Maxine: Mommy do you eat leaves?
Mum: Yes. Why?
Maxine: Why do you eat leaves? It's for dinosaurs not for people!

01 August 2014 - Jesus

Maxine was looking at a cross hanging on the wall of my brother's house

Maxine: Wawa Jesus
Mum: Wawa Jesus
Maxine: Hey stop making fun or else Jesus will palo you!

I was just confirming that it was sad seeing Jesus nailed on the cross. I was not copying her for fun.

20 July 2014 - I am making

Maxine was hugging my leg

Maxine: I am making you love and happy

After a while she was making mess

Maxine: Now I am making you angry

10 July 2014 - Papa

Maxine went to our room early in the morning

Maxine: Family hug!

Hugs me and Papa.  Then ate Loui comes in to join

Maxine: Peew! Baho bum bum Papa.  Papa farted again!

Maxine kisses Papa...

Maxine: Baho  breath si Papa

08 July 2014 - Blah

Maxine keeps on asking her sister a lot of questions while Loui was watching the movie Frozen

Loui: Just stop asking questions
Maxine: Just stop asking questions (copying her sister) Blah Blah Blah the end
Loui: Just be quiet!

I guess she really does knows how to copy her sister

07 July 2014 - Party

Maxine does not want to listen to ate Loui after they had a disagreement

Maxine: You're never ever going to my party in the zoo
Mum: What party?
Loui: Just her pretend party

Oh okay, I thought I promised her a party that I forgot about.

06 July 2014 - I don't like

I overheard Loui (her older sister 8 years old) and Maxine talking.

Loui: I don't like flies, they are pests
Maxine: I don't like crocodiles, they are big!

06 July 2014 - Baby

Maxine: I have a baby in my tummy
Mum: Ha? Why do you think you have a baby?
Maxine: Because my tummy is big!

04 July 2014 - Cold

July is in the middle of winter in New Zealand.

Mum:  I'm cold
Maxine: I'm not!
Mum: I am
Maxine: I will hug you so you will be warm

Uhhh!  So touched.

01 April 2014 - Hmmm

Maxine: I dont like you!

She just said it out loud with a semi angry face.  So I replied with a sad face...

Mum: Why?
Maxine: Just kidding! (her face lit up instantly)

Oh Maxine :)

01 March 2014 - Poo

Maxine asked me to help her climb up onto the toilet. After a few minutes...

Mum: Maxine are you done?
Maxine: Not yet. Mommy can you hold me?
Mum: Why?
Maxine: Because I'm gonna poo very hard! (saying it with a puffed up red face)

01 February 2014 - Garden gloves

I was in the garden removing weeds, so my hands were really dirty.

Maxine: Why is your hands dirty? ...I will buy you gloves mummy.
Mum: You will buy me gloves from the store?
Maxine: Yes!
Mum: Where will you get the money?
Maxine: When I grow up I will give you money
Mum: Where will you get the money when you grow up?
Maxine: In my pocket!
Mum: How will the money get into your pocket?


Maxine: I won't buy you gloves :(