
31 July 2015 - Room

I was dressing up for work when Maxine came in the bedroom eating crackers and cheese.

Mum: Aay. What did Papa say? Do not eat in the room right?
Maxine: But every single room is a room.  Like living room, bathroom, dining room...

She said this with a confused expression, a pretend confused look.

Mum: Pilosopo. BED-room. Do not eat in the BEDroom.


27 July 2015 - 111

I was busy preparing my stuff for work in the morning (before 7 am), when Maxine came in the dining area she picked up a piece of paper on the table and showed to me and her dad. It has her sister's name typed on it.

Maxine: When you see this person call 111 (emergency number in NZ)

Where does she get these ideas early in the morning?


25 July 2015 - Let's Go

We are putting on our shoes to walk to the nearest playground. Maxine was in a hurry, but Loui was taking a long time putting on her shoes while wriggling her hips.

Mum: Do you want to wee?
Maxine: just go to the dog's place or the grass or the cats's place

She was saying it with hand gestures and her facial expression was so irritated, she just want to go

Loui: No, I don't want to wee
Maxine: Then let's go!


06 June 2015 - Winnie the Pooh

Maxine came in the room while I am fixing the bed in the morning. Then she pointed to her small stuffed toy on top of the pillows

Maxine: Who put Winnie the Pooh there? 
Mum: Me.
Maxine: Why did you put it there?
Mum: Because it's so cute
Maxine: But he's afraid of heights!


22 May 2015 - Pantry

Maxine: Mommy I want rice crackers
Mum: Okay get it from the pantry
Maxine: Why is it called a "pan-tree", its not a tree! Duh!


04 March 2015 - Chill

I heard Loui my oldest daughter saying "go away" to Maxine and then closed the door of her room. Then Maxine came in my room with a sad face

Maxine: Mum ate don't want to chill with me
Mum: What did you say?

I am not sure if I heard it right.

Maxine: Ate don't want me to chill with her
Mum: What do you mean by chill?
Maxine: Stay with her

Hmmm Maxine using cool lingo. 

By the way, her sister asked her to go away because she was jumping on top of her while she's lying down on her bed


14 March 2015 - Soft

I was cuddling Maxine

Mum: Why are you so soft?

Kiss kiss and hug more tightly

Maxine: because i have marshmallows inside